Schedule on Sunday

9:00 Sekikawa Float leave for Miyaji-Tenjinsha Shrine
10:00- Shinto ritual for the festival
11:00 Portable shrine start from the shrine
12:00 Portable shrine arrive at Sekikawa Shrine
14:00 Naka-machi Float and procession leave their block
14:30 Shimo-machi float and procession leave their block
15:00 Three floats and procession arrive at Sekikawa-Ichinohashi
15:30 Three floats and procession leave Sekikawa-Ichinohashi
16:30 Portable shrine leaves Sekikawa Shrine and move around the town
Shimo-machi -> Naka-machi -> Kami-machi -> Sugimori-Hachimansha -> Miyaji-Tenjinsha
20:30 Portable shrine come back to Miyaji Tenjinsha
20:00 all the events and entertainments are closed