Brazilian restaurant

name address/access TEL closed otheres

Osso Brasil

3-41-13 Osu, Naka-ku 052-238-5151
Get off at Kamimaezu Sta. on the Meijo
or Tsurumai Subway Line.
Latin Bar
Sao Luis
13-24, Tsubaki-cho, Nishi-ku, Nagoya  052-451-0003 Monday  17:00-24:00 (L.O.23:30)

 Aichi Sakae Bldg. 2F
4-12-7, Sakae, Naka-ku, Nagoya C.

Get off at Sakae Sta. on the Higashiyama or
Meijo Subway Line. Take exit 13. A 3-min. walk.
 050-5831-2666  Monday Hours: 18:00-5:00 
Planeta Grill
 Katore Bldg. 1F
1-11-15, Marunouchi, Naka-ku, Nagoya

Get off at Marunouchi Sta. on the Sakuradori
or Tsurumai Subway Line.
A 5-min. walk
 052-231-8040  -  Hours: 10:00-16:00, 18:00-20:00

Los Tacoc
Cent Hills Bldg. 1F
3-2-24, Nishiki, Naka-ku, Nagoya
052-973-0886 - -