Atsuta Shrine

May 1st
10:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

in front of Kagura-den

Admission: Free


Bugaku is an ancient court music with dance, which often performed at court festivals or Shinto festivals.

The original music and dance were introduced from Old Korean Peninsula, China, India and Southeast Asia
during the Asuka-Hakuho period to the Nara period.
We Japan had original dance and music at that time.
In the Heian period, we completed the original Bugaku based on them.

The Bugaku is performed by shinshoku (Shinto priests), miko (maidens in the service of a Shinto shrine)
and Kiritake-kai (volunteer group for Atsuta Shrine) members.
The performance is offerd in the same style with in the Heian period.