Dekimachi Tenno Festival
(Dekimachi Tenno-sai/

1st Saturday and Sunday of June

Dekimachi Tenno Festival said to have originated in an attempt
to secure protection from a plague by holding festival for Gozu Tenno, a god of plague,
the protective deity of Gionshoja (Jetavana Grove).
The festival had been held in early summer, the season that
plagues become prevalent or crops get damage by insects or bad weather.


17:00 Shindeki-bashi 新出来橋 three festival floats line up

2:00pm - 3:00p.m.

Oomatsu-dori (Oomatsu street)

three festival floats line up

3:30p.m. - 4:00p.m.

in front of Meirin Elementary School

performance of mechanical dools

4:00p.m. - 4:30p.m.

the intersection of Dekimachi-dori and Shin-deki

the festival floats pass through the main street


in front of the shed of Kashikajin-sha float

performance of mechanical dools

8:30p.m. - 9:00p.m.

near the main gate of Meirin Elementary School

three festival floats line up

The neighbor's festival, Tsutsui Tennou-sai, is also held on the same day.