Noda Hat Dance to Pray for Rain
Noda Amagoi Kasa-Odori
Intangible Folk Cultural Property
Designated by the Kariya City Government

Sunday after the bon period
4:00p.m. - 6:00p.m.

Noda Hachimangu (shrine)
Noda-cho, Kariya C.

photo courtesy of Kariya C .Kanko-kyokai

This festival has been held since 1712.
In order to pray for rain, people offer sake and lanterns to the gods.
They also offer kasa-odori /hat dance.
Pairs of dancers, wearing yukata(summer kimono), red sashes and flat hats, stand
each side of the drums, and dance with amagoi songs playing the drums with short sticks called "tsutsuro".

The actions of dancers while shell horns are playing, are quaint.

Get off at Kariya or Higashi-Kariya station on the JR line.
Walk 20 mins.

Noda hachimangu Shrine

Festivals in Nagoya
Festivals in surrounding area
Festivals in Japan