Midland Square

247m high
47 floors and 6 basement

Located in front of Nagoya Station and the tallest building in Nagoya so far (June. 2015)
Cinema complex, shopps, restaurants(4F, 41-42F), Toyota Show room, etc.

*Ningyocho Imahan Nagoya人形町今半 
* Kyoto Kitcho Nagoya 京都吉兆(日本を代表する京懐石の名店・本店は嵐山 
*L'AUBERGE DE L'ILL NAGOYA (オーベルジュ・ド・リル・ナゴヤ)
フランスの本店は老舗の三ツ星レストラン 平日限定ランチ Le Menu du Jour 2,160 yen

I recommed you to have a view of Nagoya from the 46th (47th) floor !

view of Midland Square from Twin Tower

midland suare official site
(Japanese only)