"SUNSHINE SAKAE" is a name of the commercial building with big wheel in Sakae, center of Nagoya.
*big wheel ....... 500yen/person (2013)
Popular yakiniku restaurant (broiled meat restaurant) "Sumibiyaki Tamura",
Tsutaya (rental DVD shop), men's brand fashion shop, etc.

On the 2nd floor, there is a SKE 48 (a popular local girls group) exclusive theater and
you can see a live show (approx 2 hours) over 20 times per a month there.
SKE stands for SaKaE..
You have to have a membership to AKB48 ticket center before you buy a ticket. here
SKE48 official website is here.

On the 5th floor, there is a AKB 48 official shop and cafe.