(Located at formerTachiya)

Food discount shop- Yaosen Nagoya Kawahara-dori

This is the most reasonable food shop around Nagoya Univ. or Nanzan Univ.
There are vegetables, fruits, fish, meats, dairy products, etc.
From around 5 o'clock in the evening they start
to discount the price of perishable foods.
You see at the corner of the picture
two yellow lines and one white line on the road.
They lead to Nagoya Univ. south gate
(near Education Center for International Students)

open: 10:00 - 18:00
closed: Wednesday


(Discount fresh foods)

Hirabari, Yagoto, Midori-Kamisawa, Horita, Togo, TTakabari, Asahimae, Minato
