Hoh-Taikoh Zukin-gyoretsu

a procession of aged men
wearing red caps called zukin

We have a general custom to celebrate a aged person who reached the following age by kazoedoshi..
Kazoedoshi is an old manner of reckoning one's age, newborns being considered a year old,
with everyone adding one year to their age at New Year's
This way of thinking came from Buddhism.
The period while a baby stays in mother's womb is counted one year.
(before your birthday, plus 2 years; after your birthday, plus 1 year)

By way of parenthesis, people who celebrete thses special ages
by an ordinary reckoning are increasing in recent years.

way of calling the age kazoedoshi age derivation
kanreki 61 60 The sexagenary cycle is completed and returned. So people wear red chanchanko (a kind of jacket) because red means a baby
rokuju 66 65
日本百貨店協会が 2002年9月に提案したもの。65歳は現役世代と高齢世代との節目の歳であり、「緑寿」を新たな社会生活への参画を促すスタートラインと位置付けたため
koki 70 69
kiju 77 76
sanju 80 79
hanju 81 80
beiju 88 87
sotsuju 90 89
hakuju 99 98