- - -
fan heater fan heater
(gas or electric)
Four ball - base on balls
free dial - toll-free number
fu - wheat starch
fudohsan-ya - real estate agent
fuji /“¡ wisteria
Fuji/•xŽm Mt. Fuji (3,776 meters) is
the highest mountain in Japan

fukujinzuke - Japanese radish, egg plant, lotus root and natamame pickled in soy sauce
fukujuso amur adonis
fuku-mimi - plump ears (which brings happiness and money)
Fukuzawa Yukichi
furaido-poteto (fried potato) - French fries
furikake dried food sprinkled over rice
made of vegetables, fish, nori, etc.
futo-maki thick roll with many ingredients
futon-tataki Japanese usually dry a futon under the sun.
Before take it in a room, we strike futon amd make it softer.
This is a tool to strike a futon.
furuo no jiko unexpected accident

Fuusui Yodameshi Shinji
one of Shinto Rituals